Note: Due to software issues on Wix, I am unable to separate intros onto individual pages. The 2025 intros are therefore all here on the home page - scroll down for further pics and information. Buttons on the left linking to prior years' intros will also appear at the bottom of the home page if you click on them. The same with individual intros on those pages. Please email for current prices on older introductions. If anybody is savvy enough with Wix to help me fix this, I'd be happy to pay. I've tried everything I can think of.
Shipping is $15 for the first two plants, $3 for each additional.
No rust in our garden. All plants are very cold hardy, and will have made it through a very cold winter this year!
Email me at snorklebuddy@hotmail.com for availability.
Thank you for looking.


ENKI - 36" tall, 6" bloom, 5 branches, 23 buds. Dormant. Tet. Mid. Fertile both ways. $65 DF
ENKI is a robust purple with strong, well-branched scapes. Fertile both ways and a good increaser. Out of Curt Hanson's Peoples Pleasure Park and Building the Colossus, both excellent performers. Very reliable mid-height purple with excellent genes for hybridizing.

GILGAMESH - 50" tall, 7" bloom, 4 branches, 29 buds. Dormant. Diploid. Mid. Fertile both ways. $65 DF+
GILGAMESH is a bright, exuberant, tall and floriferous plant, bursting out all over with tightly quilled UF blooms. From Marguerite de Vergennes x Don Church's Tiger Whiskers. Two generations from H. Hakuunensis, providing for excellent hardiness, increase, branching and bud count. Good increaser and a nice showy daylily where some tall and fun color is needed.

INANNA'S BLOUSE - 32" tall, 6" bloom, 4 branches, 29 buds. Dormant. Tet. Mid. Fertile both ways. $75 DF
INANNA'S BLOUSE is a bitone out of Curt Hanson's Kharma Police and Alone Again. As with some other daylilies in the Jerry Hyatt line, it can be somewhat variable from lighter tones to darker ones, depending on temperature and conditions. One outstanding feature, from its pollen parent Alone Again, is that it keeps its color all through the day - even on hot sunny days. See pics below, both taken after a blistering day.

OFF HER MEDS - 38" tall, 8" bloom, 4 branches, 39 buds. Dormant. Diploid. Mid. Fertile both ways. $65 DF
OFF HER MEDS is a crazy girl out of Jim Murphy's As You Wish x the classic Lilly Dache. Wild looking flowers, often take different UF-style shapes. Scapes can be amazing, with sometimes 5 or 6 branches, with bud counts up to 40 and beyond. Occasionally petals have a translucent spot, so this is not so much a show plant, as a fun addition to the garden with a big show on great plants that increase readily. See scape shot below - that's one scape!

SUPERPERP - 46" tall, 7" bloom, 3 branches, 20 buds. Dormant. Tet. Mid. Fertile both ways. $85 DF
SUPERPERP was outstanding from her first bloom She has quite a pedigree, including Astral Voyager, Wiggly Piggly, Frieda Allen Jarrell, Wild Smurf and Joan Derifield. Large, spatulate blooms always open wide and flat and she passes this trait along to all her kids. Excellent parent, combining well with purples, reds, lavenders and others, always throwing striking blooms.

VIOLET TOWN - 39" tall, 7.5" bloom, 3 branches, 25 buds. Dormant. Tet. Mid. Fertile both ways. $85 DF
VIOLET TOWN is a strong showy purple from two excellent parents: Curt Hanson's Building the Colossus and Judy Davisson's High Water Mark. Striking blooms have a blue/gray watermark on the petals, and a yellow watermark on the sepals. Strong, robust grower. Totally cold hardy. Stately in a clump - a nice showy addition to the garden with the large clearly colored blooms and a strong plant.


BETTY BEARDSLEY (Laffin 2023) 41" tall, 7" bloom, Mid, Tet, Dor, 3 branches, 25 buds
DF $60
Betty Beardsley has had a long history. When Curt Hanson first came out with the very tall Chew Mailpouch Tobacco (Bela Lugosi x Tet H. Altissima) in 2012, I was crossing it with everything, looking to get tall seedlings. I didn't get a single one with a pretty flower, but I did get some awesome scapes and plants, the best one being a cross of CMT x Melanie Mason's Dangling Participle. The color was muddy but it had amazing plant vigor and killer, well-branched scapes. So even though the flower was not good, I refused to throw the seedling away until I got a good kid from it.
I crossed it with many many different daylilies without luck, then finally hit the jackpot when I crossed it with Building the Colossus and Betty Beardsley was born: big, beautiful purple blooms and strong, well-branched scapes (three branches spaced about 4" apart to allow for an open display of blooms with no crowding).
As nice as her flowers were, her primary value has been as a hybridizing parent. Time after time when I'm going through the seedling beds to select the keepers, I look at the tag and Betty is one of the parents. Beautiful blooms and great scapes. This year a third of my selected seedlings had her as a parent, and that's from a season's crop where I used dozens of different parents.
Betty Beardsley is easily fertile both ways, and adjusts easily to moving. Increases nicely. Dormant, very cold hardy (she easily withstood some seriously cold temps in not just this winter, but many previous ones) and totally rust-free.
Betty Beardsley the person was the wife of one of my favorite cousins, universally loved for her kind and caring disposition, good sense of humor, and great baking skills. The petal color of this flower reminds me of Betty's blueberry pies, which regularly won first prize at the Blue Hill Fair. This led her to enter the Maine statewide blueberry pie contest, and by golly, she won that, too! She couldn't believe it, since blueberry pies are almost a religion in Maine, and so many people pride themselves on their ability to make great ones. So winning the best blueberry pie in the State was a lifetime achievement award for Betty.
Betty also loved daylilies. She came to my place one day years ago and bought a couple dozen plants that she and Tony planted around their small summer cabin on the ocean. She loved them and grew them very well - visitors always remarked on their beauty. When she became ill in 2022, she asked that some of her ashes be spread in her beloved daylily gardens.
She died in October, and this daylily is lovingly dedicated to her. One of the best people any of us has ever known.